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The Convocation of Catholic Leaders is an event convened by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to bring together Catholic leaders to discuss important topics. The word "convocation" comes from the Latin word convocare, which means "to call/come together".

2025 Convocation Information ↗


For people looking for respite from the trials and tribulations of everyday life and to explore in silence and prayer their relationships with God. These retreats are open to everyone, from other priests and religious men and women to married or engaged couples, single people and the young.

Deacon Day

Each year, the Deacons of the Archdiocese of Denver gather together to celebrate our ministry. The day starts with a celebration of the Most Holy Mass, followed by a dinner and fellowship. This year's celebration will be held on the Memorial of the Passion of Saint John the Baptist, August 29th at Immaculate Heart of Mary in Northglenn. RSVP by August 15 to

PLEASE BE VESTED(RED STOLE) ON IHM FRONT LAWN BY 4:40PM FOR A GROUP PHOTO WITH ARCHBISHOP. Join us for this night of celebration. For those who have not RSVP'd, RSVP your Pastor as well ASAP! Deadline August 21st.

Deacon Memorial Mass

Each year we gather together to celebrate a Mass for those Deacons who have served our Archdiocese and have gone on to their eternal rest. This year's Deacon Memorial Mass will be celebrated on Friday, October 3, 2025, at-Mt. Olivet Catholic Cemetery, Gallagher Chapel, at 4pm.

Please arrive dressed in alb and white stole.

Directions to Mt. Olivet Catholic Cemetary (Google Maps)↗

For those unable to attend, a recording of the the 2024l Mass and a profound homily by Fr. Angel Perez-Lopez.


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