Hospital Ministry

Deacons are privileged to minister in the local hospitals. To listen when patients have needs or family members receive difficult news about their loved ones. Often, the people need a willing ear and an understanding heart. Many speak of having a feeling of peace because of the deacon’s presence as a representative of the Church. This small gesture makes an incredible difference to the patient and the family.
The deacon may be asked to visit with a patient or provide viaticum to those that are dying. He may also help by arranging for a priest to come for a final anointing. At a Catholic Hospital, the deacon also assists at Mass, ministers to the patients, staff, or members of the nearby community.
Love and compassion to see the sick and dying with the eyes of Christ and to minister to them as they are shown the way by God, the ultimate healer of all. The Archdiocese has created a Hospital database to ensure that these facilities have clergy available to minister to patients and family when requested.