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Samaritan House Ministry

Samaritan House is a Transitionary Shelter, that helps men, women and children facing homelessness and assists them in finding a path to self-sufficiency. Their program helps residents feel secure with basic needs so they can focus on learning life skills to become self-sufficient in a 120-day program. They also partner with outside organizations to help residents with other resources and referrals.

Deacons have assisted in numerous ways. They assist by helping the residents with their spiritual needs by assisting at Mass and Bible studies. They assist with the daily needs of the residents by helping at the shelter or collecting toiletry items or clothing.

The residents also receive individual spiritual assistance, as well as classes on Scripture from deacons. The deacon shares an interpretation of the readings and discusses the application of the readings to daily life and helps residents go deeper into their spiritual life.



Deacon Bill Ertmer




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