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Navigating - Diaconal Ministries Resource Manual

The Diaconal Ministries Resource Manual has been available as a manual that many of us carry around in our backpacks. But, what if your backpack is at home, or not with you and you need to find a resource for a specific situation you have in front of you? How do you find out which Deacon is covering that need in their Archdiocese assigned ministry?

On we have two versions of the Resource Manual. Under the Resources page, we have Find a Deacon. There are two formats for the manual, a PDF of the printed version, and a series of pages for each individual ministry. The gold-colored Diaconal Ministries Handbook text link takes you to the PDF version. The graphic with the blue text box takes you to the searchable online version.

In the online version you can scroll through the various ministries, or filter by main category, or ministry category to more easily find the ministry that you’re looking for a resource, or Deacon to direct your inquiry towards. For each ministry we have the textual description as written in the printed manual, as well as pictures, names, and contact information for up to 2 Deacons associated with that ministry.

For example, the Carron Coffee House page has a picture of Light of the World where the Coffee House meets, and contact information for Deacon’s Zantac and Nestorick.

All this information can be updated easily, so please take a look at the ministry that you are assigned to and verify the information is accurate. If you’d like to add a webpage link, update the description of the ministry, or change the contact information, pictures, etc., please forward that information to Deacon Thom Garcia at and we’ll be happy to update the information.

If your ministry isn’t listed, we can add it to the site and enable our brothers to find you, and your ministry, on demand!

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